Platyform is a rapid deployment and dynamic learning system for SMB’s pursuing aggressive eCommerce and digital media strategy. Platyform provides a combination of rapidly deployable stack templates, efficiency tools, training materials, and resources that greatly simplify and reduce both the costs and risks traditionally associated with building custom, high-performance digital platforms.
COS Brews is a digital platform that provides fun and engaging experiences to craft beer lovers in Colorado Springs, CO. Utilizing personalized interfaces, dynamic alerts (SMS+Email), and advanced business integrations, COS Brews is an exciting representation of technology and system design.

Platyform Intranets are a specific type of Platyform stack template designed to provide SMB’s with highly cost-effective communication and process management systems. From private messaging, to support ticket entry, to community calendars, to spreadsheet entry, to RSS feeds, to essentially anything else a business could want, Platyform Intranets are highly customizable and rapidly deployed with sustainability in mind.

B2B Buddie is a digital community and cross-promotional marketing facilitation tool designed with local brick-and-mortar marketplaces in mind. B2B Buddie provides local businesses with a simple platform to connect with other nearby businesses and “Buddie Up” on the joint provision of discounts and promotions that encourage shoppers to explore creative new commerce experiences while reducing each participating business’s cost.